I got to ride this little green monster with my wife on the back , in the rain to a birthday party Kutty was having for someone at this bar in Hemet . He wanted to drive his truck but also wanted the bike to be there too , as they were having a sort of car show as well as a party . . . long story .
Anyhow it was my wife's first time on any kind of a chopper and we were following our other friend Billy . It was starting to rain and the road was at that point where it was just starting to get slippery . SO as we get to the main road we hit a stop sign and Billy thinks he sees an opening . . . only the traffic is suddenly very heavy and at the last minute he stops cold .
I'm coming up on him pretty hot because it looked like he was going for it and I only had a drum break in the back so I'm not stopping , I gotta go for it . Right when I lean into it , that's when I see his dim ass break lights go on and realize he's stopped . . . not stopping , but dead in his tracks , not going anywhere stopped .
I grab the clutch , put out my left foot and stand on the break and go into a speedway style slide to the left , into a right hand turn , again with amy on the back . Oh and here's a secret I didn't mention . . . there's no seat or even pegs for a passenger . She's full on fender slidin' , her feet on the frame , outlaw jammin . 18 violaitons if a cop sees us for sure , maybe get slapped around just on principle .
We slide up to about 3 feet from his rear bumper and the bike straightens up and just when I think were going to hit him , he takes off , and I nail it , throw the bike over to the right , and get in right behind him like I knew what I was doing the whole time . Of course Kutty is behind us and thinking the whole time that his new bike is about to be wrecked right before his eyes , before we even make it to the show and how he's going to have to spend the night in the hospital holding my hand .
I'm not sure Amy knew how dead we were till after we got to the party and had a few drinks and Kutty started tripping out on how good I saved that scene but it looked for sure like we were gonners , but I was such a good rider , can't believe you kept that thing upright . . . etc etc etc .
She didn't like that very much .