I even started building my own Darth Vader costume last year , but in the middle of raising a son I ran out of " silly shit money " and the project hit a dry spot . I still might finish it someday , but there's no rush at this point however I had a sudden burst of inspiration Saturday .
I've been a fan of sci-fi and monsters and spaceships and anything with lazer beams coming out of it all my life . . . pretty much standard issue for me . So down the street from my house there's an elementary school that's having this big open house carnival . The one Vaughn will more than likely be going too when he's old enough . It's walking distance from my house so we decide to pack him up and go for a rainy day walk to get in on the action .
As it turns out , the mighty 501st San Diego garrison is there making an appearance . Amazing . I see these guys almost every year at the San Diego Comic Con , and their costumes and gear is Hollywood prop level of accuracy . If there was really such a thing as a Stormtrooper , they would have these guys make their uniforms . Also one of my favorite bands from 10 years ago , Supernova is playing , and it's all for free . Also amazing .
Even though it was sort of wet , my friends started showing up and we had a great time .
It was kind of a rainy / drizzly day but that didn't keep the troops from trooping and the fun from happening . . . here's proof of the world I live in , a long time ago , in a galaxy far far away far far away .
What kind of gun safety do they teach at the Empirial training academy ?!?