Friday, January 14, 2011

Hippy Killer Hoedown III

Kutty is having another party , and I think this one is going to be a show stopper . I've been going to these parties since the first one and that one was nuttso . Go back a few pages on here and you can see where I broke my toe flat tracking my bike with my bro Matt Barker . It's all fun & games till you wake up in an ambulance , or in our case in a pile of running motorcycles , lying on top of you , on their sides .

The second one was 95 times bigger and so it had to me moved to it's new location at this crazy western town arena . Tons of great bikes and awesome cars showed up as well as a ton of vendors . This is an event that you kind of have to go to . . . it's a super grass roots down home good time and since he's a good friend of mine I feel like I need to help get the word out for him .

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