A few friends of mine decided to get our old trailers out of the driveways and roll down to the park for a bbq and some drinks . It ended up being a full day of fun and we took over a pretty good chunk of the park . Next year it's going to be even bigger .
Some dude and his chick showed up on these crazy mustang / cushman style scooters . . .

Action shot of the scooter cruising the scene

This is Dave's trailer . It's a '66 Streamline Prince and it's super clean . A real camping machine .

These belong to my buddy Brett and his friend . The shiney one is Brett's . I can't remember what his friend's name was but his rig was nice . A little rough looking on the outside but it was very solid and all there . . . really nice woodwork inside and has awesome rounded corners everywhere . I should have take interior pictures but I was busy making Mai Tais for everyone .

This one is mines , it's a 1963 Shasta . Very comfy and stylish . . .