Sunday, January 4, 2009

New year , old video . . .

I made this movie from some video I shot at the Sinners' annual 4th of July party . Some of you might not have ever seen it , not like it rules or anything , but it's pretty funny .

It was pulled from Youtube by a 3rd party for copyright infringement , but I think Styx should be happy anyone is still rocking this tired , old ass song . If anything it's a free commercial for them so hey guys . . . cool it already .

We'll see how it goes now that I've posted this again , and " blogged " about it , good idea huh ?

Nothing like old stuff to ring in the new year . . .


missinglink said...

Gone already!

Liquid Cooled Fool said...

yeh, gone. It's probably some corporate money-greedy machine complaining. Maybe not ... either way I wouldn't complain if the video didn't have a soundtrack, I'd still watch it.