How many times have we heard that as children . Our parents telling us to calm down and stop running and don't put your finger in that hole . If we only knew then what we know now .
Vaughn was helping mommy with the watering of the yard and was having so much fun getting wet that he decided to spin around in the water and well , you know how that goes . he spun himself right around and fell face first into a little mud puddle .
After a quick bath he was all better and luckily he only landed on his face , and as such he was unharmed . My family is known for our hard heads and I seem to have passed this trait on to my son . Lucky me . If you have a kid you know this face , and if you don't know it yet , you will !
The best part of all , is that my wife Amy who is usually on the way to the emergency room by now yelled out " oh no , take a picture , take a picture ! "
I was so proud !

2 hours later after a nice bath and 1/2 way through
Madagascar / Escape from Africa , mommy decided to get tricky with the camera and try some fancy settings .
All is well in the hood .