Friday, May 7, 2010

This was about 30 feet before Matt went wide on the first turn and I came in hard on the inside .

Of course , needless to say he slowed down for the corner and I didn't . I T - boned him and it felt like I broke my fucking toe .

I guess I forgot that I was going to have to put my left foot down to dirt track my way through the corner , which coinseidently left me with no control over the motor other than my throttle . So I nailed it and figured I would just power right past Matt on the inside and take the glory .

After we got untangled we went on to finish the race , I'm not sure who " won" , but it is a lasting memory of good times using a minimal amount of I.Q. points to get there . All in a days work for a couple of drunk friends . My toe was the only damage that ensued , the bikes were unharmed thank goodness .

In the first picture I think I'm yelling " curse you Red Baron " or some other drunken nonsense . . .

Hippy Killer Hoedown # 1 , Kutty's backyard , pictures courtesy of Primo .

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